Written by T DobbinAnother week has already passed and before we know it's Friday. Both Shane Dobbin & Dj Nation have had a hard week of training preparing for their next race. This weekend the next Essent Cup will be held in Amsterdam at the Jaap Eden Ice Rink. The weather forecast is for storming very cold temperatures with the chance of snow. Those that will be racing in Amsterdam on Saturday night will have a tough race ahead because it's the only rink in the Netherlands that is totally outside and uncovered.
Shane Dobbin & Dj Nation will have the weekend off racing in the marathons but have other events on the schedule. Shane & Dj got the go ahead that they are confirmed starters for Sunday night's racing in Thialf. http://www.thialf.nl/ For a few weeks they have been trying to get put on the list to race in Thialf to make times but unfortunately were unable to be confirmed until this week. Shane & Dj will be racing the 5km long track event paired with each other. They are both very lucky because the organisation are specifically putting on this event for them to be able to set a time for themselves and to get some training in on their weekend off marathon racing. http://www.knsb.nl/upload/wedstrijdinschrijving/html_files/HV2008_HV015_sta.htm
Unfortunately Shane Dobbin's coach Peter de Vries has work committments and is unable to be on the ice that Sunday evening but organised for the farther of the most famous skater Sven Kramer to be on the ice for Shane on Sunday which will be an honour to have him help. Not only will Shane & Dj be racing this weekend in Thialf but in the city of Enschede Wayne Begg will be taking part in the 500 meter and 1000 meter on Saturday night along with Australia's Sophie Muir. Keep posted for results and news that will be coming over the weekend.